Thursday, November 29, 2007

Who wants to be a millionaire¿

Greetings from Asuncion, Paraguay!

Iguazu Falls were even more spectacular than we had dared to hope. We visited from the Argentine side where you get so close that at times you are practically in the falls. We spent a fabulous day wandering around the various lookouts and viewpoints, took over 200 photos. The wildlife was lovely too, we saw aligators, coatis (a sort of long nosed possum) and lots of colourful butterflies. One of the best parts of the day was the jet boat ride we took where you go right into the one of the waterfalls, getting soaked to the skin but all part of the fun and in that heat nobody minds. The adrenalin, whilst not quite at bungy jumping levels, was certainly rushing after that. We couldn´t do the kayaking as the water levels were too low but all I can say is if that is low, I can´t imagine what it´s like after it´s rained. The highlight was the Garganta del diablo where you stand right at the top of the highest and widest fall looking down and if you leaned over the railing too far it would be goodbye world instantly. One of the most incredible places I´ve ever been.

While we were there, Sam attracted the attention of a group of giggling 14year olds who followed him round for much of the day, wanting photos taken with him and talk to the "beeyootifuuuull chico". Everything he said was greeted with much mirth and lots of loud giggling. The beautiful gringo speaks! Cual es su nombre¿ "Sam" ... cue hysterical laughter for at least 5 minutes. Given Sam´s lack of Spanish and their lack of English, I can only assume they were talking the language of lerv which of course knows no barriers. They all exhanged email addresses at the end of the day so I expect he will have a south american myspace contingent soon.

Yesterday we travelled by bus from Argentina to Paraguay. Bit confusing with buses jumping on and off to get entry and exit stamps. We had to change buses and money in Ciudad del Este which, if I say is a hot and horrible hellhole I hope I never have to see again, you get the picture. C del E has the wonderful reputation of being the most corrupt city in Paraguay, the most corrupt country in south america, crime corruption, contraband and cocaine! Cdel E is a huge tacky market full of cheap electronics and more plastic swimming pools than I would ever expect to see in one place. Want to be an instant millionaire¿ come to Paraguay! the exchange rate is 4000 guaranis to AUS$1 which is very confusing when you´re told the price of something, if you´re buying anything more than a bottle of water you have to ask them to write the price down and then be really careful to hand over the note with the correct number of noughts on it.

The way of life in Paraguay is very slow, the siesta seems to last most of the day and nothing happens in a hurry. We passed through lots of one horse towns where the most activity we saw from the bus here was the sale of a very large pair of underpants when the bus was stopped which for some reason just tickled us and made us laugh like the girls in Iguazu. Lots of cattle with the biggest horns i have ever seen are grazing by the side of the road, and the Paraguayans certainly have a healthy interest in inflatable swimming pools and blow up animals. I´ve also noticed the Paraguayans are not shy about urinating in public.. at our (outdoor) restaurant last night one man just peed against the tree that was behind his table. Bit like Hunter street on a Saturday night! People are very friendly to us as we are quite a novelty here but it´s harder here making ourselves understood as Paraguay has 2 official languages and most people speak better guarani than spanish.

We are spending today and tomorrow here (plastered in insect repellent as dengue fever is rife ) then tomorrow evening we get an overnight bus into Bolivia which will cross the Gran Chaco. Pray for us that it doesn´t rain, as the bus can get bogged in the parts of the road that are unpaved and if that happens the bus can be delayed for days. We´ve been assured that the rainy season hasn´t yet started so we should be all right.

We wanted adventure, we certainly are getting it, can´t believe we´ve only been away for a week! Next update from Bolivia, all being well, adios for now.


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