Monday, November 12, 2007

Pre-departure check

Bruce, Jackie, Sam and Ben are off on our South American adventure to celebrate the end of HSC. Only 9 days to go: Just checking to see whether the blog is going to work and what it will look like for your reading pleasure while we're on the road. Have chosen this rather emo profile, hope you like it!


Fiona said...

Hi Walkoms

Hope you have arrived in S. Ameca safely - how is the Espagnol going? Are you in panpipe country yet - if so, you're probably be quite familiar with El Condor Paso by now!

Happy poncho wearing,



The Walkoms said...

no need for ponchos yet, but then haven´t hit the Andes yet. Haven´t actually heard El C P at all yet, but we did have the pleasure of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake last night at dinner, very authentic!! and you´ll be glad to know we watched Ugly Betty in our room last night as it was the only channel in English. It was stangely comforting actually.
Lots of love