Monday, December 24, 2007

The end of the road

It’s now Christmas Eve and we are now another world away, comfortably settled in the wilds of rural Cumbria for a couple of weeks and we are now in anticipation of our first UK Christmas in 10 years.

If it wasn’t already very obvious, we have had an absolute blast during our month in SA. We have met some fabulous people along the way and have had many memorable moments (OK – and a few low ones too!), only some of which made it to the blog.

Listed below are a few stats about our trip and a summary of highlights. Thanks to everyone for reading about our adventures and merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2008 to all our amigos.


Trip statistics:
No. of beds slept in: 18 (+ 4 overnight buses!)
No. of airlines flown on: 7
No. of actual flying hours (by the time we get home): 106
No. of times Ben wasn’t served last in a restaurant: 3
No. of times Ben didn’t order Italian or Mexican food: 0
No. of times Mum told ‘los chicos’ that one day they would look back on this and laugh/appreciate it: off the scale
No. of McDonald restaurants seen in South America: 1

Top 3 highlights:
Jackie: Machu Picchu, Salar de Uyuni, Lake Titicaca
Bruce: ‘Spending 24/7 with my beloved wife’
Sam: Machu Picchu, Iguazu Falls, Horse Riding at Tupiza
Ben: Machu Picchu, Iguazu Falls, Asuncion

Lowest Point
J: Overnight bus trip during Bolivian landslide
B: Meeting the locals on the outskirts of La Boca, Buenos Aires on the first day
S: Villa Montes
B: Villa Montes

Best meal:
J: La Rosa Nautica, Lima
B: Bar San Rocque, Asuncion
S: La Rosa Nautica, Lima
B: Minute Man Pizza, Uyuni

Worst meal:
J: Spaghetti Bolognaise on the second night of Isla Del Sol
B: Spaghetti Bolognaise on the second night of Isla Del Sol
S: Spaghetti Bolognaise at the ‘Extreme Fun Bar’ Uyuni
B: Spaghetti Bolognaise at the ‘Extreme Fun Bar’ Uyuni

Best hotel:
J: La Rosario, La Paz
B: Hotel del Sol, Tarija
S: Hotel del Sol, Tarija
B: Hotel del Sol, Tarija

Worst hotel:
J: ‘Hostel’ behind the bus station, Villa Montes
B: ‘Hostel’ behind the bus station, Villa Montes
S: ‘Hostel’ behind the bus station, Villa Montes
B: ‘Hostel’ behind the bus station, Villa Montes

Strangest experience
J: Paraguayan immigration with snoring man
B: Dancing man with Llama on train from Aguas Calientes
S: Being robbed
B: Being in Paraguay

Funniest moment:
J: Sale of enormous pair of underpants in Paraguay
B: Sale of enormous pair of underpants in Paraguay
S: Man dancing with Llama on train
B: Woman falling over at Machu Picchu

Favourite country:
J: Bolivia
B: Bolivia
S: Bolivia
B: Peru

Favourite place:
J: Lake Titicaca, Bolivian side
B: South-West corner of Bolivia
S: Machu Picchu
B: Machu Picchu

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